Clinical Biochemistry Tests


Clinical Biochemistry Tests

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The biochemical profile is a series of blood tests used to evaluate the functional capacity of several critical organs and systems, such as the liver and kidneys. These tests can be done on an empty stomach or not, and are usually accompanied by a complete blood count (CBC). 

List Of Options

Routine hematology and coagulation testing is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Additionally, advanced hematological tests are a performed using a variety of techniques including flow cytometry and electrophoresis based methods and are available from Monday to Friday, 7 am – 5 pm.

Risk of cardiovascular disease: cholesterol, triglycerides, HDL cholesterol, apolipoprotein B (if triglyceride level is too high
Diabetes: level of glucose (blood sugar) and HbA1c reflex panel in cases of high blood sugar (non-fasting assessment)
Renal function: urea, creatinine, eGFR (calculation of glomerular filtration rate), uric acid, phosphorus
Bone health, parathyroid gland function, vitamin D status: calcium, phosphorus, alkaline phosphatase (ALP)
Liver and bile duct function: total bilirubin, ALP, lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), aspartate aminotransferase (AST), alanine aminotransferase (ALT), gamma-glutamyltransferase (GGT), albumin
The different elements of the biochemical profile allow the clinician to specify different diagnostic options that can subsequently be confirmed through additional tests (refer to the sections concerning each of these tests).

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Service FAQ

Do we need prescription for these testing?

Patholab’s Complete Care Geno identify DNA variant specific to an individual & provides report about detoxification. Hormone Insight can be useful at the Various stages of life.

What is the cost for these testing?

Patholab’s Complete Care Geno identify DNA variant specific to an individual & provides report about detoxification. Hormone Insight can be useful at the Various stages of life.

Do I have to come with empty stomach?

Patholab’s Complete Care Geno identify DNA variant specific to an individual & provides report about detoxification. Hormone Insight can be useful at the Various stages of life.

How much time it takes for report delivery?

Patholab’s Complete Care Geno identify DNA variant specific to an individual & provides report about detoxification. Hormone Insight can be useful at the Various stages of life.

What are the payment methods here?

Patholab’s Complete Care Geno identify DNA variant specific to an individual & provides report about detoxification. Hormone Insight can be useful at the Various stages of life.

Should I bring previous reports of mine?

Patholab’s Complete Care Geno identify DNA variant specific to an individual & provides report about detoxification. Hormone Insight can be useful at the Various stages of life.

How many tests are available for lipid profile?

Patholab’s Complete Care Geno identify DNA variant specific to an individual & provides report about detoxification. Hormone Insight can be useful at the Various stages of life.

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