Original price was: ₹440.00.Current price is: ₹390.00.

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SKU: PLA2 Category:


Method: Immunoturbidimetry
Price: 440.00
Report: Daily
Usage: Lp(a) / Lipoprotein (a) levels in blood provide additional information on Coronary Heart Disease (CHD) risk in patients known or suspected to be at increased risk based on factors like family history of premature CHD or stroke, hypertension, smoking, obesity, Diabetes mellitus and increased levels of LDL-C, Non-HDL-C & ApoB. Lp(a) level >20 mg/dL is considered a high value for Indian population. Children of patients with premature Myocardial infarction should also be screened for Lp(a) once in their lifetime. Lp(a) levels are not affected by diet. High levels of Lp(a) increase cardiovascular risk 2-3 fold. It is also elevated in patients of Aortic stenosis. Any patient with recurring CVD should test for Lp(a) levels. Lp(a) behaves like an acute phase protein and should not be measured during periods of active inflammation and for at least 1 month after Myocardial infarction or Stroke.
Doctor Specialty: Cardiologist, Physician
Disease: Heart diseases
Courier Charges: 0.00
Home Collection: Available
Pre Test Information: No special preparation required