Original price was: ₹6,000.00.Current price is: ₹3,500.00.



Method: See all
Price: 3500.00
Report: Daily
Usage: HbA1c provides an index of average blood glucose levels over the past 8 –12 weeks and is a much better indicator of long term glycemic control as compared to blood and urinary glucose determinations. Since HbA1c reflects long term fluctuations in the blood glucose concentration, a diabetic patient who is recently under good control may still have a high concentration of HbA1c. Converse is true for a diabetic previously under good control but now poorly controlled.
Doctor Specialty: Diabetologist, Physician
Disease: Diabetes
Components: *Glucose F / PP / R *HbA1c and diabetic test
Courier Charges: 0.00
Home Collection: Available
Pre Test Information: Special preparation as per glucose sample selected. F/Fasting sample requires minimum 8 hours fasting. PP/Post prandial sample is 2 hours after starting meal. No restricions for R/Random sample.