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SKU: ARTHRITIS B Categories: ,


Method: Electrical Impedence, VCS, Spectrophotometry, Immunoturbidimetry
Price: 1600.00
Report: Daily
Usage: Arthritic disorders affect majority of the population, varying in severity. Many of these disorders are self limiting conditions requiring minimal evaluation and symptomatic therapy. However several patients show persistent musculo-skeletal symptoms that requires laboratory testing to establish diagnosis and document the pathological process. Arthritis can be of various types mainly Rheumatoid arthritis, Osteoarthritis, Autoimmune disorders, Gout & Psoriatic arthritis.
Doctor Specialty: Rheumatologist
Disease: Autoimmune disorders
Components: *CBC *CRP *RA Factor *ASO *Uric Acid
Courier Charges: 0.00
Home Collection: Available
Pre Test Information: Overnight fasting is preferred.