Original price was: ₹20,000.00.Current price is: ₹19,000.00.



Method: NGS
Comment: Samples received on holidays will be reported in next schedule / next working day.
Price: 20000.00
Report: Sample Daily by 9 am; Report 28 Working days
Usage: About 10% to 15% cases of male infertility are due to genetic causes labeled as Hereditary male infertility. These cases include Klinefelter’s syndrome, Congenital bilateral absence of vas deferens & Y-chromosome microdeletion. Copy number variations (CNVs) if present, can cause spermatogenic failure. A total of 45 genes and the associated variants are analysed which are implicated in the causation / association with Hereditary male infertility.
Doctor Specialty: Endocrinologist
Disease: Male Infertility
Courier Charges:
Home Collection: Available
Pre Test Information: Duly filled Nx Gen Sequencing (NGS) Test Requisition is mandatory.